Many Constant Worlds
Many Constant Worlds is not a spoiler free journey. While we are not aiming to spoil any of The Dark Tower or other Stephen King novels, part of our approach to reading these books may require us to tap into our foggy but possibly accurate knowledge of other related things from King books, movies, and misc knowledge.
If you wish to remain pure for your first journey without the corruption of our Constant analyzing we understand if you have to go without us but we hope you will join us another day.
Many Constant Worlds
Interlude: Non Ducor, Duco
Episode 5 of the Middle Green Mysteries, a Kids on Bikes playthrough.
Kids on Bikes is a collaborative TTRPG written and created by Jon Gilmour & Doug Levandowski and distributed by Hunters Entertainment.
Content Warnings: negligent parents, bullying, alcohol, substance use, the supernatural, witches, missing children, fire, isolation, the 80s
Fire in the Sky is finally here and the Winchester sisters are wondering around when they bump into an unfamiliar girl. When she is chased by some unknown adults the twins quickly spring into action, do these strangers have something to do with whatever has been happening to Middle Greeners?
Opening Music: Cattle by Telecasted
Closing Music: Back to the Future by Ofshane
BlueSky: @ManyConstantWorlds
Patreon: ManyConstantWorlds
Twitch: manyconstantworlds
Storygraph: @manyconstantworlds
Email: manyconstantworlds@gmail.com